February 5 – Winterfest Dance – STAA High School Gym (see details on page 2)
February 7 & 8 – No School
February 8 – Parents’ Night for High School Basketball
February 11 – Food Drive ends (see information on page 2)
Pizza Pick-Up 4-7:30 pm – STAA Gym
February 12 – Pizza Pick-Up 8:30-11 am – STAA Gym
February 16 – Board of Trustees Meeting – 6 pm – STAA Marinette Campus Library
February 21 – Senior Night for High School Basketball
February 24 – Jean Day
February 27 – CCAC Pancake Breakfast – STAA High School Gym – 8-11:30 am
Academy News
Catholic Schools Week was celebrated this past week at both campuses. Highlights from the week include breakfast with the Clergy, a chili competition, and an Academy wide Mass and assembly. Thank you to the faculty & staff for making the week a fun and successful one!
Please note that there is no school on Monday, February 7 and Tuesday, February 8. Regular hours will resume on Wednesday, February 9. Enjoy the four day weekend!
Please note that the Pizza Pick-Up times in the STAA Gym are as follows: Friday, February 11th 4pm-7:30pm and Saturday, February 12th 8:30am-11am
The monthly Board of Trustees Meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 16 at 6 pm at the STAA Marinette Campus Library.
Busing Reminder for Parents: Marinette Public Schools do not have school on February 17 & 18. However, Saint Thomas Aquinas Academy has school. The shuttle bus will run as usual for the morning transport on those days, but it will bring the elementary students to the STAA Marinette Campus parking lot in the afternoon. Parents will need to pick up their children there. If you have any questions, please contact the office.
The Catholic Central Athletic Club will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, February 27 from 8-11:30 am in the STAA High School Gym. All proceeds benefit Saint Thomas Aquinas Academy athletics.
The high school yearbook, The Plume, is seeking ads for the upcoming edition. If you are interested in purchasing an ad for your family or business, please contact Mrs. Schultz, Yearbook Advisor, at cschultz@staa-edu.us.
Registration for the WI Parental Choice (Voucher) Program is open! This program is open to all Wisconsin residents and eligibility is determined by income and residency. Please
visit www.dpi.wi.gov/choice or call the office at 715-735-7481 for more information.
We extend our sympathy to Nolan & Grant Van Cleve, Alayah Padgett, and Lincoln Borths and their families on the passing of their Great-Grandfather, Orville Gauthier. We continue to pray for them and their families during this difficult time.
We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Michelle Brief and Hunter Brief on the passing of Rose Searles, Mother-in-Law to Michelle and Grandmother to Hunter. We continue to pray for them and their family during this difficult time.
High School News
The Winterfest Dance will take place this Saturday, February 5 in the STAA High School Gym with doors opening at 7 pm. The Grand March for the Winterfest Court will take place at 7:30 pm.
Saint Vincent de Paul News
The Mini-Vinnies and Youth & Young Vincentians are participating in the Community Food Drive through February 11. Items that are in high demand include canned soups, macaroni & cheese, ramen noodles, tuna, syrup, instant potatoes, hamburger helper, and spaghetti sauce. Items may be brought in to either campus and will be given to those in need at the Saint Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. Thank you for your generosity!
Local Parish News
Save the date! St. Mary Parish is hosting a Denim & Diamond Mother/Child Dance on Friday, May 13 from 5:30- 8:00 pm in the parish gym. Watch for more details as the date gets closer!
Athletic News
Full Schedule: www.marinetteandocontoconference.org
Junior High Girls Basketball
February 4 @ Lena – 5:30 pm
February 10 – Twin City Eagles – 5 pm (H)
February 14 @ Crivitz – 5:30 pm
February 15 @ Gillett – 4 pm
February 18 – Coleman – 5:30 pm (H)
February 22 – Gillett – 4 pm (H)
High School JV Basketball
February 8 – Wausaukee – 5:45 pm - Parents’ Night (H)
February 11 @ Coleman – 5:45 pm
February 17 @ Goodman/Pembine – 5:45 pm
February 21 – Lena – 5:45 pm (H)
High School Basketball – Varsity
February 8 – Wausaukee – 7 pm - Parents’ Night (H)
February 11 @ Coleman – 7 pm
February 17 @ Goodman/Pembine – 7:15 pm
February 21 – Lena – 7 pm – Senior Night (H)
Hi-Q Schedule
Thursday, February 10 @ STAA – 10 am
Thursday, March 3 @ Gillett – 10 am
First Semester Honor Roll 2021-22
High School
Principal’s List
Grade 12: --
Grade 11: Emily Peters
Grade 10: --
Grade 9: Flora Eisenbeis, Henry Piasecki, Ryan Tuch
High Honors
Grade 12: Blake DeDamos, Joseph Pisani
Grade 11: Ethan Braley
Grade 10: Martha Anderson, Lydiya Grinsteiner
Grade 9: Teagan Anderson, Tug Paidl, Calvin Peters, Brooklyn Rennie
Grade 12: Wyatt Poquette
Grade 11: --
Grade 10: Zachary Blair, Chase Gromala, Timothy Mathey, Jenna Maxwell, Dominic Tanguay
Grade 9: Tessa Cacek, Esteban Carlson, Zachery Harding, Elizabeth Hooks, Matthew Mushynski, Tayen Schwartz
Middle School
Principal’s List
Grade 8: Kate Peters
Grade 7: Wyatt Stauss
Grade 6: Philip Finger
High Honors
Grade 8: Elizabeth Furst, Brady Koesling
Grade 7: Aspynn Anderson, Lincoln Borths, Madeline Drees, Anna Harding, Eli Menor, Dax Peanosky, Travis Rod, Valentine Smith, Niklas Williamss, Zach Wingers
Grade 6: Sawyer Bardowski, Skylyn Baxter, Elizabeth Moore, Lauryn Peters
Grade 8: Jazleen Fong-Baake, Ethan King
Grade 7: Hunter Brief, Carrigan Bulin, Augustine Cacek, Jake Farley, Grace Gromala, Collin Prange, Sawyer Walters, Braden Wozniak
Grade 6: Ethan Laird, Alayah Padgett, Lauren Paidl, Mia Riopelle, Ty Tebo
Fifth Grade
Alisa Finger, Olivia Koesling, Ariel Newbury, Ivy Stauss, Masen Wozniak
Perfect Attendance
Lucas Farley, Alisa Finger